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The international journal, Indicus Zoologica accepts all research manuscripts from the field of Biology including Zoology, Ornithology, Entomology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology for publication from all over the world. The manuscripts are published under Open Access Article, published by SPARO (Sparrow Protection and Research Organization) publications. Please go through the “Guide for Authors” before making a submission. Prepare the manuscript according to the instructions.

• Do not submit manuscript any manuscript which is under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere.
• The manuscript must be your own original work, and not to be a duplicate any other published work (including your own previously published work).
• Make sure that your manuscript must be free from plagiarism before submission.

Author(s), should submit their declaration in their covering letter to the Editor, that the manuscript (title to be mentioned) whether the manuscript to be considered as a ‘Research Paper’ or ‘Review Article’ and also confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal for publication. Authors publishing results from in field experiments connecting to animals or birds or humans should state in the Materials and Methods section whether the permission for conducting of such experiments was obtained from the relevant authorities or ethics committees of their Institution.
At the time of submitting the manuscript the corresponding author must provide name, address and e-mail ID of three potential reviewers related with the subject of the manuscript.

Manuscript submission information:

1. General guidelines

Manuscripts must be prepared in English using only MS Word, on A4 size with Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced. Content of the manuscript should follow the order: Title page including title (Font-14) of the manuscript followed by names of all authors and their affiliation); Abstract (250 words); Keywords; Introduction; Material and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References.

Tables and figures must be after the references. Caption of Tables and figures are must be as listed in the text.

2. Submission of manuscript

All manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office through e-mail: or you can submit by clicking here

3. Editorial Policy

The submitted manuscripts will be initially assessed by the Editor-in-Chief or members of Editorial Board for suitability for publication in Indicus Zoologica. If the manuscript found suitable, the prior decision of acceptance shall be intimated to author within 10 days after the submission. Then it will be sent to first reviewer, once the corrections done by the author(s) guided by first reviewer, then the manuscript send to second reviewer. It takes about one to two months. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.

4. Ethical Guidelines

Authors performing experiments on animals, are required to provide a statement in materials and methods section that their study organisms were cared for in accordance with the guidelines approved by the appropriate Ethical Committee at the institution, where the experiments were carried out. Manuscripts dealing with unwarranted numbers of rare or endangered species and human subjects may not be accepted.

5. Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work (copying of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or longer extracts from published or unpublished work) as one's own particular work. Self-plagiarism sometimes occurs when an author reuses some parts of his/ her own published work without mentioning the appropriate sources OR submit an identical paper published earlier by adding small amounts of new data.

Indicus Zoologica strictly opposes the plagiarism and insists the authors to submit a statement that they are aware of the plagiarism policy of the journal and no part of their submitted manuscript/article are copied in any form and it is their original research. After all precautions if plagiarism comes to knowledge of Indicus Zoologica, an investigation would be initiated and the journal will inform the author's institute for the misconduct done by the authors.

6. Conflict of Interests

Indicus Zoologica requests authors to disclose any conflict of interest. If the authors have no conflict of interest to declare, corresponding author may state this to the Editor-in-Chief at the time of submission of the manuscript.

7. Reference Style Guidelines

References should be cited in the text as: for one author- Veera 2023; for two authors - Veera and Mahesh 2023; for more than two authors- Veera et al. 2023 in text & (Veera et al. 2023) in citation.

All the cited References should be arranged in alphabetical order in reference section. The references must be in APA style, as below:

For Journal Reference:

For One Author:

Veerá M. N. (2022). Successive re-enforcement of House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) at a remote village: Mupparthipadu, Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology, 37(2): 449-458.

For Two Authors:

Mahesh, N. V. and Suseela, L. (2021). Protective Nest Design for Indian House Sparrow Passer domesticus, with reference to predation and reuse. Agricultural Science Digest, 43(1): 105-112. [doi.10.18805/ag.D-5438].

For Multiple Authors:

Veerá M. N., Ramarao, V., and Suseela, L. (2022). “Avian diversity of Jangareddigudem town, Andhra Pradesh, India, concerning to their threats”, Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology, 37(1): 71-79.

For Book Reference

Ali, Sálim (1996). The book of Indian Birds. (12th Edition), Bombay Natural History Society, Oxford Press, Mumbai.

For the Reference from Book Chapter Veerá M.N. and Suseela Lanka. (2021). Global scenario and Conservation Status of House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), in book: Food and Agriculture, ESN Publications: 528-549.

For Online article

For online articles, the number of the article and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must be provided at end of the reference.

8. Figures and Tables

Clear or focused images or Illustrations must be with 300 dpi to be submitted at the time of the galley proof, which to be attached individual JPEG files. All attached the Illustrations should have the number and caption as the file name. The figures to be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text and at caption as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on at. There is no charges for color figures.

9. Publication charges

There are no submission, processing charges and publication fee. All manuscripts are processed at free of cost. Every peer-reviewed research article published in Indicus Zoologica will be published open access. This means that the article is freely and universally accessible online in an easily readable format immediately after publication. The author does not have to pay charges for open access.

Publishing on Indicus Zoologica is free of cost.

10. Author Withdrawal Policy

Requests for withdrawal of manuscript after submission within 24 hours by corresponding author could be accepted. After acceptance of the manuscript for publication the withdrawal is not permitted.

11. Galley Proofs

Galley proofs would be sent to the corresponding author and it is responsibility of the corresponding author to return the corrected galley proof within 72 hours. The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published

12. Copy Right Form:

Copy Right form should be signed necessarily at the time of publication of manuscript. The form will be provided in the acceptance e-mail.